
Silvia E. Giorguli-Saucedo, Mexique

Sociologist, President of El Colegio de México (Colmex) and Professor of the Center for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies (CEDUA). President of the Mexican Society of Demography from 2011 to 2012 and Founding Director of the magazine Coyuntura Demográfica. Her research focuses on issues of international migration and its impact on education and the structure of families. In 2018, she received the Horace Mann Medal from Brown University.

Valeria Coronel, Ecuador

Historian, Deputy Director of FLACSO- Ecuador. Professor and Principal Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Gender Studies of FLACSO. Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Advanced Studies (CALAS). Her lines of research include history and political sociology, class and ethnicity in postcolonial contexts, social mobilization, collective action, parties, movements, and formation of Latin American states.

Pablo Vommaro, Argentina

Research Director of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). CONICET researcher. Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy (UBA) in the Departments of Education and History. His research includes the problems of urban social organizations on a territorial and community basis, and the modalities of political, social, and cultural participation of youth.